This is Chet's interests/links page.

Let's start off by admitting that I'm a sports junkie. (Hello. My name is Chet. I like sports. Except golf. Golf sucks.)

My favorite sport is basketball (isn't everyone's?). Nothing compares to the excitement of one-and-done March Madness.

If you live in Cleveland, you have to be an Indians fan, but there's too much wrong structurally with major league baseball for me to be a baseball fan in general. I won't go into details here, but the quality of umpiring is a big part.

Right now, if you live in Cleveland, you have to be a Browns fan, too, but I'm not that much of a professional football fan. My wife and I do, however, watch every Ohio State football game. High School football is the last refuge of the football fan.

The best links I've found for the mainstream sports fan are the commercial sports news services:

I like non-traditional-mainstream sports. I'm a big sailing fan, even though I don't sail very well.

I'm also a big fan of world-class bicycle racing, though, as fans know, U.S. coverage of the big European tours is spotty at best. Read about this year's Tour de France. Find this year's coverage on OLN. There is a reasonably new www cycling portal,, with good coverage. is also good.

My technical interests, as you might have guessed, center around Unix shells.

My Bash information is available here.

Since Bash is intended to be standards-conformant, I find the following standards-related links helpful.

An additional document detailing some of the differences between the POSIX Shell and the System V shell may also be useful.

For a look at how the other half lives, click here or here.

Chet Ramey <>
Last updated: Fri Mar 16 14:08:00 EDT 2007